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The Mosobbir Ali Foundation (HMAF) was set up in 2010 by Abdul Khalique with the aim of trying to eradicate poverty and improve living conditions for the people of Bangladesh. According to the World Bank Bangladesh's poverty rate fell from 82% in 1972 to 18.5% in 2010 and below 9% in 2018 as measured by the percentage of people living below the international extreme poverty line however about 24 million people still live below the poverty line (World Bank, Oct 2019).

Mosobbir Ali Foundation team.jpg

Our activities and objectives are to provide financial support towards housing for poor families providing them with a safe environment for them to live. We also deliver food vouchers and packages to individuals in need as well as providing financial support for tuition fees and text books. We recognise the importance of education to further develop Bangladesh and choosing to invest in young individuals helps to develop the economy as well as helping to develop the standard of living for individuals. Other projects include medical care; funding medical bills for critically ill people as well as providing funds for weddings. 


Our charitable purposes

We are currently working in Bangladesh the district of Sylhet and have 4 main charitable purposes.

To assist in the prevention or relief of poverty


To advance the education of people in Sylhet


To help fund the healthcare of individuals


To assist in community and citizenship development

​​Call us:

01302 711234

​Find us: 

Dower house, Market Place
Bawtry, Doncaster
DN10 6JL

© Mosobbir Ali Foundation 2022

Mosobbir Ali Foundation is a registered UK charity. Charity number 1189988
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